Introducing The VLR

In the academic world, it is all too easy to fall into the trap of publication. You begin by doing some well-intended research, getting results, and writing about it to share your exciting experience with the rest of the world. The problem is that you then find yourself giving your work over to someone else to edit, further other people who have no idea what your intent is to review it, and, by the time you’re done with revisions and page charges (especially for open access journals), your work is finally published. However, your wallet is now much thinner, and your work is no longer relevant. On top of that, you now have to play catch-up with the rest of the world.

This blog is intended to change all of that. The peer review will happen in the comments, and in the pull requests on the linked GitHub repositories. Otherwise, each post on this blog will be in the format of a manuscript or lab report on the topic of some sort of sensing system. Watch this space for interesting, and up-to-date, designs, all released under the CC BY-SA license to be free and open source. It’s almost literally the least we can do.

Peter Marchetto